What is "Martial Arts" & how is it different from "Karate"?

All arts related to self-defense are called Martial Arts. Karate-Do is one such art. Karate-Do is made up of three parts: Kara means Empty, Te means Hands and Do means Way. Karate-Do essentially means the way of living life perfectly, through the practice of the techniques of emptiness – of the body, the mind and the soul.

How does Karate-Do improve health?

Regular practice of Karate-Do slows down ageing by keeping your joints mobile, muscles strong and stretchable, improves stamina by strengthening the heart, improving breathing process, reducing stress, thereby making you feel younger, livelier and more energetic.

Can Karate-Do be learned at any age?

Yes, one can start learning Karate–Do at any age after 5 years. The special benefits experienced by various age groups can be enumerated as follows:

45 years & above:
  • By graded exercises, your body is brought into a good physical condition
  • You are free to train according to your own body capacity
  • You can go about your daily routine with much more confidence and manage things easily without getting the feeling of being tired.
31 – 45 years:
  • Starts preparing you for old age by keeping the joints & muscles strong and flexible
  • Reduces stress which is the most common disease producer in this age group
  • Prevents heart & lung disease by maintaining good stamina
  • Gives confidence to face any situation calmly knowing self-defense techniques.
18 – 30 years:
  • Helps keep a good figure
  • Prevents common ailments like cold, cough etc., by making your heart and lungs strong and fit
  • Heavy sweat-outs clean up clogged pores and help prevent &/or cure acne to give you a glowing complexion.
5 – 17 years:
  • Improves your physical and mental development
  • helps in your studies by increased concentration levels
  • Makes you aware of your body and how to keep it healthy and fit.

Can women learn Karate-Do?

Certainly YES! Rather, they must. It could be highly useful considering the modern scenario of physical attacks on women of all ages.

Can a fat person learn Karate-Do?

Positively. It could be very beneficial. It could be one of the best ways of reducing weight and firming up the body, resulting in greater self-esteem & enhanced self-confidence.

How long are the training sessions and how many times a week does one need to go?

Normally, about 90 minutes per session, including warm-up & stretching exercises. Training about twice or thrice a week should suffice, depending upon your circumstances.

How much does it cost?

Nominal. At a group class, it is just about a couple of hundred Rupees a month & at a private class, it is a couple of thousand Rupees per month, besides the small cost of the Uniforms & other accessories, if you need.

How long does it take to complete the course?

Karate-Do is not a course, but a way of life. However, the benefits of Karate-Do are in direct proportion to how much time one has spent in learning it – whether 3 months, 3 years or 30 years.

What is a Black Belt?

It is a stage one reaches after about 4 –6 years of continuous training. Achieving a Black Belt, in a way, is just the beginning of the real journey to perfection.

How does it help a Businessman or an Executive?

Karate-Do training de-stresses an individual. This makes her/him more efficient, confident and thus, successful in the profession she/he is pursuing.

How to select the right Karate-Do School?

The teacher is the most important part of a Karate-Do school. Find the right teacher and the right institute to learn from. Your preparedness to travel is an important factor too, as long-term commitment & regularity of practice is vital to progress in this art.

Are there any career opportunities in Karate-Do?

Certainly YES! There is a growing need for general physical instructors and personal trainers in various fields of fitness. Being a Senior Karate-Do practitioner will be a prestigious qualification.

Which is better, Karate or Judo?

ALL martial arts are good. There is no comparison. What is more important WHO is teaching you.